Friday, December 9, 2011

BIG changes

As some of you may have heard, Weight Watchers has tweaked the program, again. Last year when they switched from Points to Points Plus, it screwed me up BIG time. I resisted and resented it. I moped. I whined. I struggled. AND.....
I gained.
20 pounds.

This time, I'm adopting a more "go with the flow" technique for dealing with the change. (Not only that but many of the key changes, didn't even effect me.)

For those of you that don't know, the changes were minimal. No reformulating how points are calculated and minimal recalculations of what foods "cost". They also tweaked the daily points target for some members. (I was not one of the ones who had a changed target.)

I was excited to see that wine went down a point, but then right after that they stated that beer went up one. So for me, that was pretty much a wash. 

One of the really cool things about the new program is.....

Everyone knows how much I love new reading material! And, it came in a little bag. (which I probably won't use because I already have a fancy one that I use for my meeting stuff.)

The other totally nifty thing is....

Power Start Sessions
The power start sessions are like a little mini-meeting after the meeting to hone your skills in different areas, such as making your home/work/life atmosphere more WW friendly.

I'm really excited about these changes. I feel like now is a great time to be a WWer and I think the coming year is the year that I'll reach goal. :)

My mom is in town, so she's gonna be "forced" to tag along on Sunday. If anyone else would like to attend a meeting for free, let me know. I'd love to hang out with you!

My accomplishment this week: I've embraced the change, gracefully. :)

Since this will be posted almost in time for me to do another post (thank you stomach virus) this is what my goal for this week was:

 Stay within my points target for the week.