Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What happens when you open your eyes...

This past week, I've been trying to pay more attention to myself and to my habits. A few things I've learned are:

  1. While eating breakfast is typically good for me, eating last night's leftovers for breakfast is not. On the days that I do that, my whole mentality is fried and I tend to eat whatever whenever.
  2. I've been having more control of my pizza insanity lately. I actually ordered a large pizza last week and did not eat the whole thing in one day.
  3. I tend not to overeat if I'm eating with someone. It seems that the people pleaser in me will not allow a friend to see me binge uncontrolled on my food drug of choice. (I would use this information to keep me in line when it comes to pizza but it also seems that most of the people I'd eat with would rather eat something other than pizza. Crazy, I know.)
  4. I need to schedule in some actual workout time. Lately, I've been letting myself down when it comes to this. It seems like I've been making all kinds of excuses and that is no bueno.
  5. Sophie and her bicycle basket make me feel unbalanced when I'm riding. I need to practice with it more. And also figure out why my tire pump isn't working.
  6. With the weather turning colder, I need to start thinking about winter wear. Since Sophie is a chihuahua, she needs something to keep her warm while I"m riding. I need to get her a new sweater and while I was looking I saw THESE
Wouldn't she look so cute????
I've also been thinking about cancelling my WW monthly pass. I can't remember the last time I actually attended a meeting and I still haven't figured myself out on the new plan. Plus my new lower income could seriously use the extra $40 a month. I've still got all my old plan info, I wonder if I could find some old food journals.

This week I surprised myself with my portioning. I didn't over do it or binge like I could have. I cooked most of my meals and generally had a good attitude about what I was putting into my body.

In the coming week, my goal is to increase my activity. To meet this goal, I'm going to schedule exercise and also commit to adding 10 minutes of  non scheduled activity per day (ie taking the stairs, parking further away, etc.) I'm also going to commit to a blog posting schedule. :)

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