Monday, August 22, 2011

Actively A Successful Week

It's been a week since I committed to 30 minutes of activity per day. I'm happy to say except for one day, I exceeded that goal! Below is what led to this successful week.

1.Knowing that so many people knew about this goal made me much more likely to get it done. It goes to show that publicly stating a goal will make you more likely to accomplish said goal.

2. Setting my alarm so I'd run before work. It took a little finagling but I found the time to run, shower, and do my hair before I had to leave.

3. Having my exercise clothes ready and waiting for me in the morning to run and in the evening for my bicycle ride.

4. Making myself do it. There were many time when I thought, I really don't want to do this today. If I don't, no one will know. But I did it anyway.

I love my neighborhood in the early morning hours. When I run, it's 5 am and there is next to no one on the roads. So I don't have to feel self conscious about my running style. (Or the fact that I still feel like a fat chick trying to run.) That probably helped me stick with it. I didn't run this morning. I was lazy. But I'm going to tomorrow morning; it'll be interesting to see if the traffic on my route will change since school is back in session. And speaking of school, there must be some kind of back to school pizza special because it seemed like every other driveway had a pizza delivery person in it. (I'm also happy to report that I was not one of the people who ordered it tonight and that I only had it on one night this past week. In my book, that's an improvement.)

I haven't figured out how to work my routine into the late days this week. On Wednesday and Thursday, I work from 11-7 and I don't really want to be up at 5 am to run if I don't have to actually be at work until 1030. Any suggestions?

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