Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I'll just say it, in four months, I've gained back 20 of the 100 pounds that I'd destroyed.
20 pounds.
Four months.
5 pounds per month.
Often in our weight loss efforts, when times like this arise, we are told to ask ourselves, "What's not working?"
That's a loaded question and I for one think that sentence isn't working. At the risk of sounding completely spacey, that sentence is awfully negative.  And don't we have enough negativity out there? For me asking What's not working could take me all day to answer because that has always been a big  list of things.
Me Vs. Pizza= not working
TX heat Vs. my running habit= not working
Cooking Dinner Vs. 10+ hour workdays = not working
Trust me, this list could go on and on. I think the better question is "What is/was Working"
  1. Tracking- In my 2+ years as a Weight watcher, I know this is the key to success.
  2. 30 minutes of REAL activity per day (Sadly, sex and walking Sophie (my chihuahua) down the stairs and 10 feet to potty and check the mail, does NOT count.)
  3. Having actual groceries in the house. (You know, to make MEALS out of??? Left over take-out and odd bits of stuff that with other stuff could maybe make a meal doesn't make a person very successful.)
  4. Going out once a week. Eating out every meal coupled with dessert and alcohol during the week eats through the points BIG time. (pun intended)
  5. Attending a Good Meeting. Never underestimate the power of a good leader and friendly supportive members.
  6. Regular Goal Checkups/ Goal Setting. I keep forgetting to ask myself, "Maghan, how's it going?"
So now that I know what works, Why aren't I doing what works?
I'll answer that next time.

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