Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Kitchen Fail

I'm going to preface this post by saying except for the next paragraph, this post has nothing to do with weight loss.

The preparing myself during the day for eating out at dinner has gone well, for the most part. Now it seems that my hubby is finally going to see the logic in not having our meals in restaurants so frequently! (Cross your fingers!)

Ok, now that that's out of the way, on to today's topic. My most recent kitchen failure.

After I got home from school, I was hankering for something sweet. I thought about making cupcakes but didn't really want to go to all that effort. Then it hit me, No Bake Chocolate Cookies! Mama used to make these for my sister and I as an after school snack for us to eat while watching Wishbone before we started our homework.

No Bake Cookies are SUPER easy. All you really need is some sugar, milk, butter, peanut butter, oatmeal, and vanilla. It seriously takes like 5 minutes. They turn out delicious. Go Ahead, visit the link and look at the yummy pic of delicious chocolateyness. I'll wait.

Anyway, typically, I'll assemble my ingredients before starting a recipe but I was all gung ho and started without fully taking an inventory of what I needed vs what I had on hand.

Because of this lady, my great grandmother, Lois Key or Granny as everyone called her:
I am well versed in the art of substitution. My husband has started to understand that sometimes my recipe substitution is a good thing and sometimes it's not. Just ask him to tell you about the chicken I made once in our old apartment, he's NEVER going to let me live that one down...

So, like the great granddaughter of the master substituter I am, I substituted my heiny off on this recipe.

Me: Oh, I don't have actual milk.... But I DO HAVE Almond milk. That's pretty much the same thing, I'll use that.
Me: Shoot! I'm out of oatmeal.... That's ok, I'll  use Special K in its place and make it more like corn flake cookies.
Me: I don't have enough peanut butter! Hmm. Maybe if I just add more sugar...

Turned out the only thing I did have on hand that was actually in the recipe was sugar, butter, and vanilla.

My husband would HATE how they turned out.  So let's keep it our little secret.

The Special K turned out kind of chewy and the extra sugar gave it kind of a "dirt" consistency. Overall, they have a pretty good flavor. But I wouldn't recommend doing these particular substitutions again. So, that's my latest kitchen fail, anyone else out there have substitutions go haywire?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Maghan,

    My friend and I were looking for GiGi's cupcakes nutritional information and came across your blog. We just wanted to say hi and offer some encouragement as you're going through your ups and downs with weight. A group of us are actually using the LoseIt! app right now and have a challenge amongst us to come in under our weekly calorie budget - so we know how important it is to have some fellow calorie counters around to help motivate you to make the right decisions. We may not know you in person, but know you in spirit - and are wishing you success!
