Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lumineers and how I almost lost blatter control

After anxiously awaiting for what seemed like a month of Sundays, I got my Lumineers placed on Friday!!! Thank you, Dr. Mike Kesner at Made Ya Smile Sugar Land (www.madeyasmiledental.com)
The BEFORE before picture

I had a gingivectomy (a procedure where they reduce the amount of gum that is showing) and that gave me a great smile but it could still be better. Here's what I looked like after they were placed:
Then of course, I had to get my hair cut. I have to give a shout out to my hair dresser, Sasha Hubble at Visible Changes in First Colony. She did an amazing job and gave me the best hair cut EVER!
I wish I had a better pic on my phone but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this haircut! So that was my little transformation. Onto the SCARIEST THING EVER

On Friday morning, I couldn't sleep. I'd crashed on the couch Thursday night but woke up at 3 am and got into my bed with every intention of going back to sleep. Come 4, I still hadn't konked back out so I decided to get up and go for a run. I was out and about an hour before my usual time and it was so serene. I'd just downloaded a new app called Cyclemeter. It works with all of your outdoor activities (running, walking, cycling, skiing, etc). I'd used it for my cycling but nothing else so I was excited to use it for running. It's pretty awesome by the way! Not only does it have functions to calculate distance, time, and stuff like that it has the ability to send email updates of your GPS position to a person of your choosing. Which is cool but who could I possibly send those updates to??? As I was running, I was going through the possible candidates and eliminating each one. I came to the conclusion that while it was a cool function, I most likely wouldn't be using it.

On mile two, I heard a car coming up behind me. My route goes down every road in the neighborhood and I was about to go into a cul-de-sac off the main road and so figured they'd just keep going. I have this weird thing where I don't like people watching me run. It probably stems from the kids who heckled me in the past neighborhood or maybe it's just my own insecurities that someone will think I'm just a poser. At any rate, I was anxious to get them off my tail.

  I turned. They turned with me. Then I look over my shoulder and it's an older model van. Like a 1992 Aerostar or something. No big deal,  I'm thinking, maybe they live here, it could happen. Maybe they just spent all their money on a house. Then my inner voice says except that the van looks SERIOUSLY out of place in this neighborhood. So I start going through my get away scenarios (don't tell my Mama but my mace was safely at home in the Durango). Then I think to myself, DAMN, if only I'd set that stupid gps updaty thingie up, at least they'd know where I was abducted from. And maybe my captors wouldn't see my phone and it could continue to send updates. How the crap do I call 911 without alerting them???? Then, I came up with the plan that I'd just run to the first front door I came to, bang, and scream like crazy.

I keep running and they get RIGHT UP behind me. I hear the door unlock and a window roll down.Then...

They throw out a newspaper. And I almost wet my pants.

It got me thinking that I need to get a quick release thingie on my pepper spray. I also need to actually carry it with me. And I looked at stun guns once I got home. Paranoid? Maybe. Overactive imagination? Possibly. But hey, I watch Investigation Discovery, so it can't be all wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Kensingtondental- I'm not sure I understand your comment. But thanks for reading and I LOVE my Lumineers. I'm assuming you practice in London? How long have you been doing Lumi's?
